A color picker is an essential tool for any designer. It allows the user to select and adjust a color value by entering the HEX/RGB color value from a certain string of colors. Color pickers help the users customize their color pallets and choose the perfect accent and primary colors. A UI color picker or a Figma color picker element gives the user the ability to choose a specific color from a predefined color palette or to pick a custom color with the help of an HSB selection interface. With a color picker design element, we can change the features of our project and add the layers of colors it needs to be remembered by.
A Figma color picker holds a multitude of values and shades that will indicate the color you have selected. The Figma color picker also indicates the previous colors you have selected, making it easier for the designer to switch between colors and find the most suitable one for your UI UX project. A color picker in Figma can also be the right environment where you can create a new color combination chart and collection.
A color picker is a powerful tool that you can integrate in your design process. It also carries the power of making your design dynamic pop and comes with the right color for your UI UX design. A UI color picker also use an eyedropper tool that can also help you choose the colors that best match your brand and your style. A color picker design has the ability to offer a project that is personal and can transmit the right message.
What Does HEX Mean?
HEX colors are HTML codes that stand for the representation of hexadecimal color in RGB format due to the combination of three colors. The purpose of the HEX code is to humanize the HTML code and make it more appealing. They are a way of connecting the users and the color format digitally.
Example - Red HEX Code: #FF0000
What Does RGB Mean?
RGB, also known as a device-dependent color model, stands for red, green, and blue. With this method, those three colors are combined in order to attain as many color combinations as possible. RGB is commonly used to display images and electronic systems on TVs, computers, and other electronic devices.
Example - Red RGB Code: 255, 0, 0
What Does HSB Mean?
This abbreviation stands for hue, saturation, and brightness. HSB takes care of the colors of red, green, and blue color schemes (RGB). Those terms are used most of the time to reflect the difference of each pixel. Small details can make a difference in a design. Different shades of neutral colors can either make or break a design, so the HSB strategy will help you to have control over each pixel and deliver the best outcome.
Example - Red HSB Code: 0°, 100, 100