We can all be UI UX designers. We only need Figma and the right tools and we’re good to go!
Indeed, designing an app or a website is not easy – we can all agree with this. We spend countless hours making our UI UX design as user-friendly as possible while also making them look good. All while also keeping our managers happy. And especially within budget!
This is an issue that even UI UX designers deal with. But we can change that! Design systems are exactly the right tools that we can introduce into our design process to make your ideas come to life. And the good news is that there are some great and free design systems available for Figma.
You may think you need more UI UX designers for your platform, but you probably just need a good design system.
Figma is a web-based app that offers us the possibility of doing all kinds of graphic design work from creating mobile app design interfaces to prototyping and wireframing websites. Compared to other graphic editing tools, one of the main focuses of Figma is collaboration, which makes it a great alternative for creative teams to share and develop ideas. Figma allows us to operate directly on a browser. Figma UI kits help designers easily create user interface projects.
Before explaining what is a design system, let’s start with what is not a design system. It’s not a Pattern Library, nor is it a Style Guide – or a Figma Library. Yes, it’s a combination of all of these. But it’s much more than that.
Design systems are a collection of resources that can be used and reused across multiple UI UX designs. In other words, it can include components – such as icons, toggles, dividers, banners, and so on, variables and styles that can be changed according to your needs, and even documentation that can help you in your design process.
In fact, a design system includes variables, a component library, a pattern library, and visual elements, including colors and icons. Each part provides documentation for using a certain component and why. Think of it this way – a design system doesn’t just provide you with a banner, for example. Instead, it explains when it’s best to use this banner and what you might want to add.
Without this documentation, it’s simply a library of elements and code snippets that we can easily add or remove. But a design system doesn’t just stop at just physical components. In fact, what makes a design system is precisely the components AND the guidelines of how to use them – and why.
A UI Kit is also known as a component library. As the name suggests, it includes user interface components that can be reused in other designs. These components have been previously designed and can be easily customized in various future projects and UI/UX designs.
The difference between a UI kit and a design system is that while a design system also includes the documentation, the UI kit only includes the UI and UX elements. In other words, a UI kit can basically contain every element you need in order to create a UI UX design. In fact, a good design library includes all the components necessary to build a platform from scratch.
The main components of a design system are: tabs, tags, forms, radio buttons, buttons, dividers, dropdown menus, drawers, banners, progress indicators, toggles, tooltips, charts, and cards.
Uinkits is a complete design system with UI components that allows you, as a UI UX designer, to create your products as quickly as pressing a button. The uinkits design system includes variables, a component library, a pattern library, and visual elements, including colors and icons.
Its components, including variables, cards, and everything you need for your design are already ready, responsive, prototyped, and ready for usability testing. All you have to do is take your UI design component needed, and you’re ready to use it in your designs!
But the uinkits design system doesn’t just provide you with a banner, for example. Instead, it explains when it’s best to use this banner in your UI/UX design and what you might want to add. Each part of the design system provides documentation for using a certain component and why. With this design system, your work will become much easier as you will be able to create faster with the help of elements such as color palettes, dashboards, cheats, cards, and all you need in order to design.
uinkits.com – uinkits UI Starter for $29 USD or uinkits UI PRO for $119 USD.
Material UI is another design system available to save the day. It is created by Google and its purpose is to help teams create high-quality UX for users in shorter periods of time. The components available can help you design smoother navigation, and have better integrations as well as input and display.
Next on our list, we have Untitled Ii. This UI/UX design system is another great way you can efficiently your work as its components can help you deliver a better user interface and user experience. This design system also includes tutorials and it can guide you to choose the best option for your design, being one of the largest ones available on the market.
However, the free version doesn’t include component properties and interactive components, so, you’ll need to upgrade to the PRO version if you are looking for a wider variety of options.
Next, we have UI Prep’s kit available on Figma. This design system gives you the ability to immediately swap instances and the capability to use grid layouts while designing. The system gives you the ability to create UI’s from your app and websites. All, while complying with the UI/UX design principles. The kit also provides a series of courses where you can strengthen your knowledge.
Next, we have Polaris by Shopify. This design system has the purpose of tailoring the experience for everyone and helping the user make a better decision. Even more so, Polaris has its main goal of finding the best user practices and making sure the viewers have the best user experience.
Another free design system is the one provided by Apple, offering components, elements, and in-depth information for designing apps and websites. Apple can also help you get started in the design process or UI UX journey as it has a series of introductory tutorials on how to create the best design and user experience. Some of the major topics discussed in the courses being the spatial layout, share play, and icons.
Another way to stay on top of your game is by using Microsoft’s design system -Fluent Design System. On the plus side of things, this design system includes DALL-E2, it is accessible to all levels of knowledge and it has a large variety of customizable templates. So, if you are not sure what to choose or what would look better in your design, those templates can be life-saving.
However, if you are looking for support collaborations, this is not the place for you, as Microsoft’s design system doesn’t support it.
And if you are not convinced yet, you might take a look at IBM’s design system - Carbon Design System. This design system it’s an open-source design system for products and technical experiences. The system offers accessibility to everyone and can be adapted to the user in any context.
Moving on, we have Porsche's design system, which has its focus on the design process. Porsche guides you through the process of design and teaches you how to build better tools and offer a better user experience. This design encourages us to rethink to solve bigger problems.
Last but not least, we have Mailchimp’s design system. This design system gives you the opportunity to design the right content for you, as you can custom and create templates. MailChimp gives you greater accessibility and lets the user find the right look for their content.
Design systems are here to simplify our lives and help us create the best UI and UX designs. We have something to learn from each and every one of them, so maybe it’s time you give the design system a try.